Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pickin' strawberries

Yesterday we took Mikayla to pick strawberries for the first time (it was actually Mommy's first time also). She was a natural born strawberry picker. We did not have to show her what to do, Mike just showed her the strawberry and she pulled the thing off the vine. She picked a couple and put them in the basket... then she started eating... and eating... and eating!!! She would pick one, take a bite, throw that one down, and pick another one and repeat the process. She was so funny! I think she really had a good time. Most of the time when I plan things for us to do that I am really excited about doing - Mikayla does not care about it at all. This time I can say I was successful in planning a fun thing for us to do as a family that we ALL enjoyed. Yeah Mommy!!! Mikayla was a red mess by the time we left... I had to Shout her clothes and wash them when we got home. The lady at the strawberry patch(?) told us that there are only a few more days to be able to pick them so we are going back on Friday with Grandma and a couple of friends to pick more. I may have some more pictures then.

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