Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Let's see... what did we do over the weekend?? Friday, Mikayla and I went to Lana Beth's birthday party at Hendersonville First Baptist Church. Saturday, we went to my dad's in Lebanon to celebrate Father's Day and his birthday( was the 18th). We visited for a while and then went to eat at Demo's. Sunday, we did the usual (church and Papa & Mamaw's). We did go eat at Las Maracas after church with some friends.

Potty training is going well. Like other kids, she has a hard time stopping to go potty when she is playing.

Here are pictures of Mikayla helping Daddy to water the flowers... she loves helping.

She is trying to give Daddy her sucker.

These are some of the clouds that went along with the storms last night. The sky looked so strange... these pictures don't really do it justice. I was a little freaked out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wow- two posts in one week, that must be a record!! I forgot to post this past weekend when I made the previous weekend post so here goes... Friday, we went with Mamaw to the zoo. That was Mamaw's first trip to the Nashville Zoo. We picked a crowded day to go... it was Senior Day(as in senior citizen). There were soooo many seniors there, more than little kids. It was crazy but we had wonderful weather. Friday night, Mikayla had her first trip to Pf Changs. She did not really eat very much just the rice sticks in the lettuce wraps and white rice. We tried to get her to eat chicken but that was a no go. She is really not into trying new foods. I guess she gets that from me. Saturday morning we did the Kroger/Walmart trip. I am really tired of Walmart not carrying the same grocery items every week... so I decided to go to Kroger instead for grocery items. Actually, Mike did the grocery shopping and I did the Walmarting at the same time... I dropped he and Mikayla off at Kroger and I went to Walmart then back to pick them up... to save time. Yumm- O, we grilled steaks Saturday night and had baked potatoes, salad, and strawberry shortcake for dessert!!! I love, love steak and baked potatoes!!! Then, Sunday we did the usual, church and Mamaw & Papa's!!
I have to brag a little... the potty training thing is going soooo well!! She is such a big girl! There were a few days last week when her diaper stayed completely dry and she used the potty all day!! She is even pooping in the potty, which she did today!! I am so excited and thankful to God for this!! I have to thank Him every single day for the miracle that she is and what He has done in her for us to see!!! There is a verse in the bible, I should have looked it up. Sorry, cannot quote it for sure. But someone asks Jesus about a child who is disabled or blind. The person asks who sinned, the child or his parents. Jesus responds by saying, no one sinned it is so God can show his works (miracles) through this child. I think is truly beautiful what we have in Mikayla. Yes, we have hard days and many more to come... there will be many questions to come on her part, but she is such a testimony to God!! I am so thankful for her and the things that we have gone through. God has shown me things and taught me things I probably would have never learned otherwise!! I mentioned before about Mikayla being such a big girl and she is but honestly the Lord is the only one I can give credit to... he took the doctors reports and threw them out the window. We stood on our faith and said we don't care how small the percentage is, we know she will be potty trained!! That just really makes me excited!!!
I have included one picture of Mikayla on the potty... it is a little blurry but I had to post it anyway. She likes to read and play with animals while on the potty. I have been trying really hard to get a picture of the reading and finally I did only to have it come out blurry. She is such a character!! Gotta love her!! She will resent me for this picture later but it is just too cute!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Sorry it has taken me so long to post... this site would not let me upload pictures last week. So here are pictures from two weeks ago. I think I remember what we did. Friday, Mikayla and I went to Bottom View Farm with our Mommy at Home group to pick strawberries. I wanted to take some better pictures than I did but I slacked on the picture taking. I did manage to take a couple. That night we went to Mamaw & Papa's for dinner... we had ribeye to eat, I think. Saturday, I don't think we really did much of anything. Sunday, after church we went to a reunion at Charlie Daniels Park in Mt. Juliet. It was for my paternal grandmother's family. We had a good time. We ate too much food, saw people I had not seen in years, and played on the playground a little. Because we had so many things to remember to take, I forgot to take my camera so no pictures from the reunion. Monday, we went to a cookout at our friends the Bryant's house. We had a good time hanging out with good friends. I hate that it rained and we were not able to swim that much... it was still a wonderful time. As always, Bill and Debbie were fabulous hosts!!!
Picking strawberries

Mikayla is giving her baby at bath!!

Hanging out with friends on Monday.

Tammy and Kate

Ashley and Nate (andrea & kate in background)

Bill getting into the desserts!!

Dj and Kate hanging out in the pool

Mikayla being a teenager

Mikayla and Cassi

Jackson making "the face"

Mikayla and Jackson playing... I think he is playing with her feet

Jackson patting Mikayla on the head

Some pretty flowers from our yard... too bad they don't last long.

Loving on Daddy!!!