Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Well, Mikayla has an ear infection again. I took her to the doctor yesterday and he said the medicine she had before Thanksgiving did not do its job so she never actually got rid of it then. She has not been herself since then so now I see why. Poor thing! She also has a throat infection. I feel so bad because I did not take her to the doctor before now. Well, at least now maybe the antibiotics will work. We had a playdate with some friends yesterday so I hope that neither one of those kids get sick. Sorry guys!
We had another busy weekend. It was not as busy as last weekend but still a lot going on. Friday, Mikayla went to Grandma and Papa's to spend the night. Mike and I went to eat at Stoney River with some of his co-workers. We had a lot of fun and the food was yummy! We did not stay out too late because Mike had to work Saturday morning. So- I did my weekly trip to the grocery store by myself, which I have to say I enjoyed. Early Saturday evening Mike's parents brought our sweet, baby girl back to us (along with a yummy dinner). After dinner we took a trip up to Bowling Green to Beech Bend. They have a drive-thru lights display, rides open, petting farm area, and of course Santa. Mikayla enjoyed the lights, saying a few oohs and aahs. I don't think she really liked getting all bundled up but she really did great. She liked showing her mittens to everyone and loves clapping her hands while wearing them. Sunday morning we got up and went to church. The kids in the church performed their annual Christmas program and we blessed some families who are struggling. The church gets the wish lists from these families and buys what they want and need. Things like this really make me realize how truly blessed Mike and I are. The fact that he has a job to go to every day and I get to stay home with Mikayla is an honor in this day and time. I try to take time every single day and thank God for the MANY blessings that HE gives us every single day.
After church, we went to a birthday party for Mikayla's friend Brayden. By the way- Mikayla has developed a HUGE sweet tooth - some days I wished I had never started giving her that stuff. I have a snowman candy jar with hershey kisses in it... well when Mikayla sees it she yells "CANDY, CANDY, CANDY" . It is just too cute, I always give in.
After coming home from the party and having a nap, we went to Grandma & Papa's for dinner.
Yesterday, we had Jackson and Kate over to play. The kids had fun and us mommies had fun too.
I hope everyone is careful out there today- our neighborhood is a solid sheet of ice. Mike called after he got to work this morning and said he almost turned around. The main road(Hwy 52) is fine, just getting to it can be a pain.
Mikayla and Jackson- it looks like she is trying to show him how this toy works.


Kate being all happy!

My sweet girl with a dirty mouth!

Up to no good!

Intense on Elmo and his Christmas countdown!

Showing off her mittens on Saturday night!

These goats were very friendly! One even gave her a kiss in the face.

This was her favorite part of the petting area- a cat! As soon as she saw it all we heard was "meow, meow, meow".


Anna Phillips said...

Leshia - Sadie loves the Elmo Christmas countdown too. I bet we've watched it close to 50 times in the last week!!!

Unknown said...

She is getting so big! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!