Thursday, November 20, 2008


Don't have any new pictures to post... Mikayla has not been very healthy lately so I have not really taken any. Since last Thursday she has had a cold- cough, stuffy, runny nose and fussy... it has not been fun times for Mommy. Have not really been doing much- went to Christmas Village on Saturday. I probably should not have taken Mikayla out in the cold but she was bundled up. Sunday we did not go to church because she was sick and Mike was working. Monday was a horrible day so by Tuesday I had to get out of the house so we went to Target and Kohls for some things. Then, Tuesday night Grandma came to stay with Mikayla and Mike and I went to a dinner at church. Mikayla was still sick yesterday and Mike had a touch of a stomach thing so we stayed in last night. Well, today my sweet baby girl is even more sick than yesterday... but a different kind. She woke up this morning screaming and crying at 6:15 but I got her back to sleep. She did not wake up again until 11:15!!! She woke up crying again but I could not get her to calm down for about 10 minutes... then I realized why... she was burning up! She has had a fever since she woke up 100.0 and 100.1. She has not wanted to eat- has had fish crackers and a tiny kitkat(I am sorry to say). Told me she wanted soup so when I made it she did not want any part in it(I think she likes to do that to me) and will not drink anything. All she wants to do is lay around and be held... very lethargic! Oh and watch Elmo!! Around 2:00 she told me she wanted her fafa(pacifier)and nightnight so she is now down for nap!! Poor baby! Hopefully Mike is feeling ok because I have a candle party to go to tonight and I am in BADDDD need of a little break! Did I mention that Mike worked 16 hour days 2x last week and has been working every weekend this month! Anyway - a little prayer for my baby girl would be good. I guess a little prayer for Mommy would be good for Mommy and Daddy would be good too (a day off for Daddy on Sunday).

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