Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am not really sure why but I am feeling led to share this website www.lifewithoutlimbs.org . There are many people in our lives who are going through hell on earth who feel that things will never improve. "How can things get better" or "how can I continue on" are questions people ask themselves every day. Nick Vujici was a man born with no limbs. His story is incredible and I think everyone should hear or read about it. We go through life every day thinking that we have it bad and that it could not be worse. There will never be a situation in our lives that we cannot live through or make it through. There may be times when it feels this way but we will always come out on the other side as a changed and better person for what we live through in life. When I went through the hard times during my pregnancy with Mikayla and hard days even now, I have to know that all this is for more... for good. I know people who have gotten doctor reports recently that are not encouraging at all but because of situations in the past I could look at this person and show them Mikayla and tell them "she was a bad doctors report also". Because I lived through a horrible situation, I can show someone else the outcome. It may not always be pleasant at the time but in the end... when all is said and done it was for good and for something more than we know. It will always be for God's plan. If you have not ever heard Nick's story please check out the website. It is truly inspiring in your time of need. Love you all very much!!! Leshia

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