Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I don't know why but since Mikayla turned a year old I don't seem to take as many just random pictures of her. I feel bad about that but I have over 2,100 pictures on my computer of her so I don't really think it is that bad. Here are just some random ones from the other day. The second picture is of her whining. I am not sure if she is just going through a phase or if her teeth bother her or what but recently she has been so whiny(not sure spelling). The past week she has been very quick to cry where before she has never been like that. I am thinking that this is the terrible twos starting very early???? Any comments on this matter would be great. She has become very clingy to me. However, at the same time she has become more affectionate- she gives the best hugs just because. That part I LOVE!

The pictures below were from yesterday. She is getting around in her chair very well. She still has an issue with steering and going backwards - we get stuck quite a bit. The strap on her chest to hold her up has done wonders. Some little girls in the neighborhood come over and play with Mikayla when she is outside and they think her chair is the coolest thing- how tiny it is. She will go in her new class at church again tonight and I am curious how she will do. There will be double the kids there tonight that were there on Sunday. We have 3 services on Sundays and only one on Wednesday. Mike and I have nursery rotation tonight in her class so we will be able see how she plays with the other kids.

Mikayla had to have some hearing tests done today because of medicine she was on in the NICU- they could affect her hearing. I know that she can hear but I want to cooperate with their wishes. It was horrible. She screamed nearly the whole time and was sweating bullets. When we finished, her hair was soaked as was my shirt. They almost could not get all the needed tests but think the Lord it was a success. Like I thought the child can hear just fine. We have to go every six months until she is 3 years old. UGHGHGHGH! Poor thing. I HATE all the things she has to go through. Ok- funny thing- as I am typing I hear this noise that I thought was hammering - Mikayla is beating her baby doll against the rails in her crib! I thought she was sleeping - so much for a nap today! Ok - back to the hearing tests. Our friend Shannon went with us as moral support which was actually great - she seemed to distract Mikayla after the test! Mikayla had an Oreo ice cream bar at 10am for being such a trooper.
She is exploring Mommy's kitchen drawers. She can almost get the measuring spoons out even with the childlocks.

Don't know if you can tell from this picture but her hand is completely inside the drawer.

1 comment:

Jennifer Aldridge said...

She is so cute Leshia. Sweetest little smile ever. I can't believe how big she is getting.