Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First day of preschool

Well, we made through the first day of preschool. I say We because I had a little bit of a difficult time this morning. I was fine until I got back to the car and was by myself... then it hit me. I held it in for a few minutes until Mike was out of my site(he drove separate) and then the tears came. The tears did not stop until I got home(about 12 minutes). Hopefully, Thursday will be easier. She had a great first day. When we dropped her off and she realized we were leaving her, she started to cry but by the time we got to a second door(about 5 feet away) she was fine. Isn't that the way it always happens... harder on mommy!!! The only difficulty she had was naptime... imagine that!!! The teachers were not sure how to lay her on the mat so they had to end up calling me to figure things out. She never actually went to sleep so tonight we have a tired little one... it is 7:30 and she is sound asleep for the night!! The teacher sends a paper home with all the details of her day so we can see what she did each day. She came home singing "Jesus loves me", which is one of the songs they sang today. The class had bible time, outside time, science time, math, shapes, colors, etc... lots of good stuff. She wants to go "back, again"... I am pleased with that!!! She does have a bodyguard... a little boy in her class followed her around all day, putting his arm around her and if someone tried to touch Mikayla he pushed them away. The teacher said everyone wanted to touch Mikayla and one little girl wanted to push her around. That will calm down once the kids get used to her chair. I am so excited to see what is to come this year... how she will change. I will keep everyone updated!! Below are pictures from this morning.

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