Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hmm... FAITH... In my devotion this morning I read Genesis 22.  In this God asked Abraham to use his only son Issac as a burnt offering.  Backing up- Issac was Abraham's only son because his wife Sarah could not get pregnant.  They prayed and waited for years and finally she became pregnant and gave birth to a son... in God's timing.  Waiting for a child caused their faith to grow stronger... then Abraham's faith is tested even more when God asked him to sacrifice his son, whom he had waited for years!!  When God realizes Abraham has passed the test... he allows Issac to live.
Wow- what a story of faith.  In my opinion- that is the ultimate test!!  We are given tests every single day to test our faith... faith in God.  How do we complete the test??  We complain SO MANY TIMES about the junk that we go through.  I do at times.  But what if we looked at it from a different perspective??  God has called and made every one of us for an exact purpose.  This purpose is only for YOU.  It still baffles my brain that what God has called me to do - ITS ONLY FOR LESHIA TO DO!! Its not for anyone else around me. Sure someone else could do it but not in the way God wants it done... not to give glory to Him.  The things I go through with my kids, finances, family, my past... its all to prepare me for my future.  Everything we do in life is a journey- the workplace, school, marriage... you cant get to the end without going through the beginning and the middle.  There is a road to every place you want to go.  How do you travel that road??  Is God your guide or is your path self-guided??  For me I chose to have faith in God's covering over my life.  I have and will continue to go through rough stuff in my life, but I know that its all for a season and a purpose.  IF WE ALL WENT THROUGH LIFE WITHOUT EVER HITTING A BUMP IN THE ROAD, WHERE WOULD WE GET OUR FAITH??  Where would we get our ability to help others through things??  where would we develop our ability to lean on God??  WHERE WOULD GOD GET HIS GLORY??
Read this verse this morning- Galatians 3:9- So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham shared because of his faith. 
My devotion put it this way:
The person whose faith has been severely tested yet who has come through the battle victoriously is the person to whom even greater tests will come.  The finest jewels are those that are the most carefully cut and polished, and the most precious metals are put through the hottest fires.
When I think about what we go through... there are times I question... what is the purpose for all this heartache and junk??  God, is there a purpose??  Then, I am repeatedly reminded of others around me who are going through heartache too, some  much worse than me.  People need to see proof that someone can go through junk - depend on God- have faith in Jesus Christ- and make it!!  They need to see others around them continuing to do life with continued praise and faith in God, while going through hell on earth. 

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