Friday, June 22, 2012

We have read it hundreds of times...

We have all read 1 Corinthians 13 many, many times.  It is read at weddings as a scripture to model the love in one's marriage was read at ours... I even have it hanging in my house.  But do we really follow it??  The part that stuck out to me this morning was verse 5... "It does not demand its own way.  It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged".  It was like the words were slapping me in the face... hard!!  How many times can we say we do just the opposite in own homes, with our own family, the ones we love the most.  Maybe I am just writing this for myself and no one else.  The people I take out my frustrations with I love the most.  My irritability, with everything going on around me, affects those innocent people around me.  My husband gets it when he comes home from work when it has nothing to do with him (maybe sometimes he's the culprit).  My kids get it when I have an internal issue with myself.  Now don't get me wrong, my kids are not perfect and do cause me frustration.  However, there is no reason why I should snap at others when I dislike myself or the way my day is going.  Wow!!  I am really getting correction this morning!!
Then, there's the last statement of the verse... "it keeps no record of being wronged".  Yow!!  Do we really love this way.  Think about the person at work... maybe we don't love them like we love our family BUT we do have to show love to them.  That means not keep track of how many times they screw up and no one notices or how many times they wrong us... revenge is out of the question.  That ex who treated us like dirt...we gotta let it go.  The family member who wronged us... let it go.  God gave us the people in our lives for a reason.  I have a family member who has wronged me and hurt me in so many ways but I am learning to let it go...I don't want to lash out and hurt them back anymore.  I think about times when Mike makes me mad and I think "well you just wait until..."  and I stew over it.  Or when couples fight and bring up things from the past that the other one has done to them.  Just let it go.  Love like you wanna be loved!!  The golden rule from childhood... treat others as you want to be treated.  I have got to work on all this myself!!  Why is it we are so rude to the people we share a home with but the people at church or our friends get our best??  Maybe it's because we know those in our home will love us anyway?? 
I pray that God will really help me in this area of my life.  I pray that the holy spirit will give me a little nudge of correction when I mess up.  Thank you God for loving me through all my mess ups!!  And thank you for giving me a family who loves me through them also.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Matthew 14:24-31
24 Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. 25 About three o'clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified.  In their fear, they cried out, "it's a ghost!!" 27 But Jesus spoke to them at once. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Take courage, I am here!" 28 Then Peter called to him, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water." 29 "Yes, come," Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. 30 But when he sat the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink.  "Save me, Lord!" he shouted. 31 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him.  "You have so little faith," Jesus said. "Why did you doubt me?"

Wow!!  I read this with my devotion this morning.  Many times I have read these words but for some reason I stopped and read it slower than normal this morning.  How many times are we out in rough waters with waves crashing all around us...awake at 3am not knowing what to do??  How many times are we in Peter's position??  We call out to God, get out of the boat with strong faith, but then we give in to the storm around us and let it consume us again.  Then we feel like we are going to be consumed by the crashing waves instead of engulfed by God's protection around us.  It is so easy to look around at the news or just daily life and give up hope.  It would be so easy for the woman who just lost her fiance or the family who just lost their son or the mom whose baby is fighting for his life to give up on hope and life... to be swallowed by despair.  But God tells us in the verses above...come to me...don't be afraid... have faith...take courage!!  God NEVER, EVER tells us in the, your problem is way to big for me... I can't handle it...You are gonna have to deal with this one on your own.  Nope, God always gives us a way out.  Most of the time when my worry and anxiety keep me up at night it's over things I have absolutely NO control over!!!  There have been so many times when I have been standing in the boat, looking over the side, scared to death to climb out.  At these moments I am usually looking around for ways that God is gonna work it out...thinking " well, maybe I could do this and this or that will happen."  Then, I raise my eyes toward Jesus and the response I usually get is something like this... umm, hello Leshia... you are not the captain of this ship, I am... just stop looking around for how you can fix it and just step out... I am right here like I always am!!  How reassuring that we don't have to handle the waves and the storm on our own.  BUT, we must have the faith to step out of the boat. Baby steps and faith the size of a mustard seed. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Walk By Faith Jeremy Camp (Lyrics)

Mandisa: Stronger - Official Lyric Video

Mandisa - He Is With You (Slideshow With Lyrics)

It has to be for something...

Being on facebook can be a good thing and can be a bad thing.  It is so nice to see people from high school and feel like I am in constant contact with them.  On the other hand I see the heartache that those same people are going through on a daily basis.  It seems lately there is heartache and sorrow all around.  Even for Mike and I there seems to be an overabundance of blah days going on.  It can get overwhelming and sleep depriving to see so much sadness.  There is a song that comes on the radio that asks God to give us his eyes to see... his heart to feel.  I understand the concept of the song BUT... I don't want to hurt like God does for the things that are around me.  Maybe that is me being selfish but it would keep me up every single night... my heart would be broken all the time. These times that we live in are so, so hard and frustrating.  You can't even watch the news without seeing the sorrow around... someone being shot...someone's home burning down... child abuse.  Scary times we live in.  But if you read the bible, it tells of hard times to come... of suffering and wars.  I believe not just wars or the military type but wars among ourselves.  I honestly feel like lately that I am in constant struggle with something.  Mostly, its financial related.  Some days I feel like I am swimming, treading water really...and my arms are getting extremely tired but there is nothing to grab onto... no life preserver anywhere in sight.  Seems that things are never going to change...
When I feel a little twinge of self pity coming through... God reminds me that it could be so, so much worse.  It could always be worse.  No matter what pit of hell we seem to be in... it is only for a season.  One of my dearest friends and I are constantly telling each other that... whatever we are facing... "it's only for a season".  Some situations feel like they part of a NEVER ENDING do we get through those??  How do we keep on keeping on??  How do we not let our pit suck the life out of us??  Ugh... the answer is soooo much easier said than done!!!  We have to keep looking up!!  Those times when I feel like I am treading water and getting tired... at least I can breathe a little easier if I look up and get my face above the water... Look up to the sky... look up the savior for answers.  He always comes in to save the day like a knight in shining armor.  It may not happen the way Leshia wants it to but i have not lost a fight yet where I call on Jesus.  So many times I want to question why all these things are happening around me... I want to lay in the floor and throw a temper tantrum like my 1 year old... and ask God why!!!  Why God... its not fair... what wrong am I doing that is causing me to go through this??  Why can't we catch a break??  The promises in your word, why can't some of those HAPPEN for me??  I told a friend the other day... it has to all be for something... we cannot go through all this CRAP for nothing.  People say to me that I have an incredible testimony... well, just being brutally honest... some days I would give up that testimony to have my life happening exactly the way I think it should... exactly perfect in my eyes.  I know, I know... those thoughts are soooo selfish.  I know that I am created to do a certain thing and without going through junk I can't do it.  Some days though... no junk would be nice.  I just have to keep going... keep loving on my kids and my hubby... doing every day life, one day at a time.  Keep praying for those around me who are suffering and dying inside... showing them it is so hard at times but you can do it... you can make it.  God will create a way for you... even if they have to throw their hands up in the air and give God the authority to carry them for a little while.  YOU WILL MAKE IT!!!  There are two songs by Mandisa that I listen to... "He is With You" ... and "Stronger". When my arms and legs get tired of treading water these songs give me a rejuvenation. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hmm... FAITH... In my devotion this morning I read Genesis 22.  In this God asked Abraham to use his only son Issac as a burnt offering.  Backing up- Issac was Abraham's only son because his wife Sarah could not get pregnant.  They prayed and waited for years and finally she became pregnant and gave birth to a son... in God's timing.  Waiting for a child caused their faith to grow stronger... then Abraham's faith is tested even more when God asked him to sacrifice his son, whom he had waited for years!!  When God realizes Abraham has passed the test... he allows Issac to live.
Wow- what a story of faith.  In my opinion- that is the ultimate test!!  We are given tests every single day to test our faith... faith in God.  How do we complete the test??  We complain SO MANY TIMES about the junk that we go through.  I do at times.  But what if we looked at it from a different perspective??  God has called and made every one of us for an exact purpose.  This purpose is only for YOU.  It still baffles my brain that what God has called me to do - ITS ONLY FOR LESHIA TO DO!! Its not for anyone else around me. Sure someone else could do it but not in the way God wants it done... not to give glory to Him.  The things I go through with my kids, finances, family, my past... its all to prepare me for my future.  Everything we do in life is a journey- the workplace, school, marriage... you cant get to the end without going through the beginning and the middle.  There is a road to every place you want to go.  How do you travel that road??  Is God your guide or is your path self-guided??  For me I chose to have faith in God's covering over my life.  I have and will continue to go through rough stuff in my life, but I know that its all for a season and a purpose.  IF WE ALL WENT THROUGH LIFE WITHOUT EVER HITTING A BUMP IN THE ROAD, WHERE WOULD WE GET OUR FAITH??  Where would we get our ability to help others through things??  where would we develop our ability to lean on God??  WHERE WOULD GOD GET HIS GLORY??
Read this verse this morning- Galatians 3:9- So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham shared because of his faith. 
My devotion put it this way:
The person whose faith has been severely tested yet who has come through the battle victoriously is the person to whom even greater tests will come.  The finest jewels are those that are the most carefully cut and polished, and the most precious metals are put through the hottest fires.
When I think about what we go through... there are times I question... what is the purpose for all this heartache and junk??  God, is there a purpose??  Then, I am repeatedly reminded of others around me who are going through heartache too, some  much worse than me.  People need to see proof that someone can go through junk - depend on God- have faith in Jesus Christ- and make it!!  They need to see others around them continuing to do life with continued praise and faith in God, while going through hell on earth. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I am going to try to start blogging again... try being the key word here.  My precious baby girl turns 5 today.  Where did the time go??  I know in high school all the adults told me it was gonna happen like this... time escaping that is... but I did not believe them.  Craziness!!  I think back to the morning of her delievery... so many emotions and thoughts that morning!!  I was scared to death.  I remember when they wheeled me down to the OR I started having a panic attack, thinking "oh my goodness... this is really about to happen... I can't have a baby".  It was a crazy, unbelievable day!!  There were so many people in the room when she was born... I don't even know all their titles... neonatologists, ob, all kinds of specialists, students... all waiting for the worst possible outcome.  Not Mike and I... we just wanted to meet our daughter!!  So many bad reports up to that point... death was a possiblity and breathing on her own would be impossible.  Well, that little bundle of joy came out... proving EVERYONE in that room wrong... except God!!  He knew exactly what was going to happen... he knew Mikayla Leigh Scheetz was going to be his miracle baby... made to prove all those doubters wrong!!  Glory be to God alone!!  Can't believe that was 5 years ago.  So much has happened in that time... we have learned so much!!  God has taught us so much about life and love through Mikayla.  If I could say one thing good about this whole experience... it is how my relationship with Christ has developed!!  I don't know where that relationship would be if I had not had Mikayla.  I have soley depended on HIM so many hours, days, minutes... without a comforter in Him I honestly don't know how I would have made it some days.  So many people around Mikayla are blessed just by seeing her do life... she has obstacles BUT she does not seem to let those things keep her from being a typical 5 year old.  If we could all have the faith of a child.  She believes God CAN and WILL heal her legs and she will walk on this earth.  Lately she has been talking to God and about God doing just that... she tells Him... "God, I know you will make my legs all better and make them walk"... "I believe it".  The cool thing about her... there is NO doubt!!!  It is just a matter of God's timing!!  She does tell him to make them better in a hurry!!
I have people ask me sometimes, how I do it or they don't know how I do it.  I don't really know how to respond at times... I am just doing life... what other choice do I have??  It is so hard some days but I cannot let this stop us or our life.  It would be so easy to keep her in a bubble, in the safety of our home every single day but I can't.  Our purpose in life, together, is to give people around us hope and we can't do that inside these four walls.  God has such an ENORMOUS plan for Mikayla's life... sometimes it's a little overwhelming that He chose me to be the mom of such an incredible little girl who is going to grow up to be such an unstoppable woman of God!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY INCREDIBLE MIRACLE OF A BLESSING!!  We love you so much!!