Monday, October 27, 2008

Lots of stuff

Friday - We (mikayla and mommy) went to my Grandmother's house in Lebanon and spent a good part of the day. My grandmother has not seen Mikayla in her wheelchair so she was very surprised to see how good she is at getting around. She has hardwood floors so Mikayla was loving it. We were going to go the Ghouls at Grassmere(Zoo) but it was rainy and cold so we just hung out at home instead. Saturday morning, I went to the grocery store by myself. I never thought I would consider grocery shopping alone a getaway!! Then, we took Mikayla to the Underwoods house for the day. Mike and I went to the Duke vs. Vandy football game at Vandy. We pulled for Duke and wore Duke shirts to the game. It was really a weird feeling walking to the stadium from parking with all Vandy fans around. Everyone was nice though- no cussing but some funny looks. We bought the tickets from Duke so we sat around Duke fans- there were quite a few there I was really surprised at how many. The game was really good. We had a great time. Thanks Shannon and Alan!! Mikayla had fun with the Underwoods- she only took at 10 minute nap but was still in a wonderful mood!! We did not pick her up until 8pm and she was still going full speed. She even ate great for them! Sunday - we went to church. They had a spaghetti lunch at church but mommy forgot and was not prepared so we didn't attend. After lunch at home we drove an hour away to Honeysuckle Hill Farm. They had a pumpkin patch, hayride, lots of animals, a corn maze and lots of other things Mikayla could not do. While we were there they had pig races. We watched it for about 5 minutes then Mikayla was OVER IT! There was not a lot she could do as far as activities but I think she still had fun. Her favorite things were the pumpkin patch and the pigs. She loved the pigs- that is the first time she has ever seen pigs in real life. She kept saying pig and oink, oink. So cute! She is funny- she doesn't like to pet the animals- a little afraid. That was the first time I had ever petted(is that the right word) a pig- their hair is VERY coarse. We had a good time. Today has been a busy day for mommy and Mikayla. Physical Therapy was at 9 this morning, then to doctor (18 month check up and flu shot), then we went to store. Mikayla took her chair to the doctor for the first time today. She did very well until Dr. Murray stuck his head in the waiting room to see her using her chair- she saw him and started wailing!!! She recovered until it was time to get weighed and measured. I know doctors appointments are not fun for anyone but poor thing she goes to the extreme. She really lets Dr. Murray have it- she really fights him, pushing his hand away, screaming(I mean not just crying but screaming!). I know he is used to kids abuse but I always feel bad. I don't know if other parents go through this same thing or if it is because she has been to SOOO many doctors in her 18 months on this earth. Traumatic are doctor visits for us! After the doctor we went to Kroger and this was another first for Mikayla. She used her chair here for the first time as well. Usually I put her in the front of the buggy but since I had the chair with us I thought I would try it. Well... I don't think we are ready. Luckily this was a small trip for just a few items. She did pretty well. She was seeing things from a point of view she had never seen before. She got tired after a while and I had to push the chair and the cart that did not want to stay straight! The fun part was trying to keep her in one spot while checking out. I finally just locked her wheels so she could not go anywhere- which she did not like one bit. Leaving the store was the biggest task of all. Picture this... cart that wants to go to the right... Mikayla in her chair wanting to stop in the middle of the driveway of Kroger... now having to push Mikayla... did I mention that my cart is heavy because I have a big bag of dog food and I am not feeling good - coming down with something. An hour long grocery outing that should have taken 10 minutes. We will be waiting a while before trying that again... a long while.


Anna Phillips said...

Leshia - You crack me up so much! Anytime I take Sadie (19 months) to the doctor now, she does the same thing that Mikayla does, so it's not just your child! Sadie absolutely flips out! I feel bad for our doctor too, but I really think they are used to it. My doctor said that the worst visit will probably be at the 2 year check-up and then he said they start to get better from there, so we'll see!
I had a horrible trip to the grocery store today too. I took both kids for the 1st time...big mistake! I had Sawyer (3 months) in the Baby Bjorn, Sadie was in the car that's attached to the grocery cart, and she was so ill after about 15 minutes. I couldn't really tend to her because I had Sawyer attached to me, so I couldn't bend over very well. Then came the daunting task of trying to put the groceries on the check out thing. I couldn't bend over to do that either. Miserable! But, I had a few people offer to help, so that was sweet. God always knows when to send angels our way!!!!
I love reading your blogs! Mikayla is such a precious doll!

Sarah said...

wow that was a busy weekend. I will say though that the Dr. visits should get better. We have tried since gracie was 1(?) to do the eye check and have yet to get it. The last time we tried there were 4 people holding her and they still couldn't do it...CRAZY! Now that she's 3 she does much better and we can actually reason with her. Oh and as for the store, yep that's an age thing too. Congratulations you're officially out of the "honeymoon" stage when everything they do is new and cute. The next couple of months will probably be a little tough but hold your does get better.

Also, why didn't anyone at the store offer to help you to your car? That irks me.

On a side note...LOVE the new picture. She looks sooooooo sweet!