Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Look what a big girl I am

Mikayla is getting to be a big girl. She has started to drink out of a sippy cup with a straw. The straw came into play on vacation but the cup we got was so tall that it was hard for her to drink it in her highchair, until I realized she can tilt it up and it doesn't spill. She does SOOOO much better drinking out of this cup than a regular sippy cup. She just drinks and drinks. She did so well on our transition from formula to whole milk... it was like a dream. She drinks more now than when she was on the bottle. Here are some pictures from this morning. Sometimes she lets it dribble out of her mouth and she thinks it is funny. Also, last night she started blowing bubbles in her milk - not realizing it though(thank goodness). Mike was very proud of his little girl for this trick!!!

We went to the Spina Bifida Clinic yesterday(there for 4 hours). All good news. She continues to put on weight and get taller. She, of course, is still small but that is ok. That is the way God made her. One of the doctors commented to us about looking into growth hormones but we don't want to go that way. We figure that God made Mikayla small for a reason. If we give her those hormones it is as if we are saying that his creation is not good enough for us(altering his plan). I am small and for me to continue to carry her around - it is for sure better that she is smaller. She is scooting herself around on the hard floor and the carpet now and for that it has to be easier with her being small. There are also so many bad side effects to those we don't even want to chance it. The one bad thing about her being so small is that her car seat still has to face the back seat. We still have about 6 pounds for that to change. We(with her Physical Therapist at Clinic) have decided to start the process of getting her into her first wheelchair. These things are so tiny- the wheels are only 12 inches. They sit very low to the ground for ease in moving from the floor to the chair. I have totally come into a peace about her using the equipment. When I first started REALLY looking at the equipment - I had a really hard time adjusting to it. Reality was smack in my face and I did not want to have to deal with it. But - in the last couple of weeks God has really given me a peace about it and now I have found excitement in her being mobile. I cannot wait to see how Mikayla reacts to the chair. With her scooting around on the floor that is her showing us that she wants to be mobile and so we are going to make that possible for her. Within the next couple of weeks, we will be getting a loner chair to give it a try so I will put some pics on here then. The process of actually getting her chair takes about 3 months. That is crazy. We also are looking at getting her a mobile stander. That is a piece of equipment where she can stand and wheel herself around- she will be able to see eye to eye with other kids her age. This is a really exciting time for us. Please keep us in your prayers - this will be an adjustment period for us. We love you all.

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