Saturday, July 5, 2008

Juice boxes and fruit snacks

Had to put these pictures on here. Mikayla drank out of a juice box for the first time today. She looked like such a big girl - and did such a great job not squeezing the juice out of the straw to make a mess. I think Mike and I made a bigger mess than she did. We also gave her fruit snacks today for the first time. She had so much fun rolling them around on her highchair tray . We have discovered that she has 3 teeth coming through on top - the two front and one of her eye teeth. She has been such a trooper. Poor thing - I feel so bad for her I know she has to be in pain!!

Had to put a picture of Mikayla and our friend Sam on here. We went to dinner with Sam and his mom, Christy, tonight. Sam was showing Mikayla how to dance. When Sam would stop dancing Mikayla would look at Christy as if to say"what is he doing". It was so cute.

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