Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sweet tooth

I don't know if I told everyone already, but Mikayla FINALLY got her first tooth!!!! It broke through about 2 weeks ago. We are so excited and are anticipating the arrival of #2 any day now. She has really evolved with her food intake. She does NOT want baby food anymore and is very picky about what she does eat. Mommy is having a really hard time with this because I know that she is not eating as much as she should. I know that new textures will just take time for her to get used to. We have also been transitioning her off formula to whole milk. She actually had her last bottle with formula last night so today is just milk. That kinda makes me sad because she is growing up. Saving a little in the wallet though!!! On another subject... we finally had the last of our new flooring installed yesterday!!! Yipee!!!! My house is still in disarray because we have to wait until tonight to put everything back in its place. I am ready for organization again!!! Ok - back to Mikayla. Sunday at Grandma & Grandpa's Mike was eating a blow pop and thought he would give Mikayla a lick or two... well, little Miss Mikayla had a different idea. She grabbed it from Mike and popped it in her little mouth... the whole thing. I thought she was going to cry when we took it from her. We did get some pictures first though.

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