Monday, December 1, 2008


We had a very busy Thanksgiving. I think Mikayla is finally feeling better from her sickness... but I think she is cutting a couple of teeth now. She is still fussy, but much better than the last couple of weeks. I can handle this much better.

Wednesday during the day - I premade most of my sides for Thanksgiving dinner. Mikayla was an angel. I felt really bad like I had neglected her today because I was so busy- she did fine playing and watching Elmo.
Wednesday night, Mikayla spent the night with Grandma and Papa so Mike and I had a date night. We went to Opry Mills to do some shopping for ourselves and a little Christmas shopping, then we ate at Fridays. Before we went to Opry Mills, we went by Wolf Camera and Mike bought me a new camera. I am so excited! It is much more complicated than my last one so it will take me some time to figure it all out. I am going to take classes with a friend who has the same camera to learn some tricks.
Thursday morning, we got up and cleaned the house and worked on getting everything ready. Mike was so wonderful- he helped me with everything I needed. Everyone came over and we ate about 4:45. Mike fried our turkey and it was YUMMY!! I have never had one like that and I fell in love. It will be hard for me to eat turkey any other way. I have to say Everything came together wonderfully. I have never cooked a big meal like that and not had one thing go wrong... HOORAY!! I did not realize it went so well until Mike pointed it out to me.
Friday - Mike went hunting and Mikayla and I put up the Christmas stuff. Later on that day we went to Lowes and Walmart for decoration stuff. Mike spent a couple of hours hanging Christmas lights and they worked for about the same time period then they went out! So Saturday he had to check them out and he got the problem fixed!!! Yeah! He is such a good fix it man!!
Sunday - we went to church. Mikayla and I have not been to church in what seems like forever because she has been sick. I was afraid she would cry when we took her to her class but she did fine and they said she played hard. We came home for a quick Mikayla nap then off to Madison to a Thanksgiving dinner(late lunch). After there, it was off to Grandma and Papa's for our family Christmas picture, then dinner(pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, and corn-yummmmmmy- thanks grandma). We did not take Duke to Grandmas so we decided we would do our Christmas picture later so he could be in the picture- maybe the cat too.
I love thanksgiving but I am kinda glad to be back to a little quite. No plans today except hang out around the house and play. Still have a few Christmas things to get so I think I might go out later in the week. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love to you all!!!

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